School of Mathematics and Natural Sciences

Forschungsseminar Algebra und Zahlentheorie

Winter semester 2024/25: Condensed Mathematics

The research seminar takes place Wednesdays, 10-12, in G.14.34.

Distribution of talks

1. Introduction 16.10.24 Andreas
2. Condensed sets 30.10.24 Erik
3. Condensed abelian groups 06.11.24 Vivien
4. Condensed cohomology 13.11.24 Pengcheng
5. Locally compact abelian groups 20.11.24 Daan
6. Solid abelian groups 27.11.24 Ziqian
7. Solid abelian groups II 03.12.24 (Tuesday 14.15 - 15.45 in G.13.18) Tommy
8. Analytic rings 04.12.24 Julian
9. Solid modules and f_! 18.12.24 Bhavna
10. Discrete adic spaces 08.01.25 Dzoara
11. Globalization 22.01.25 Doosung
12. Coherent duality 29.01.25 Fei