School of Mathematics and Natural Sciences

Members of the Research Group

The phone numbers have the form +49 (0)202 439-XXXX; to the email addresses a "" has to be added.


name email office phone
Prof. Dr. Sascha Orlik orlik F.13.02 2660
Prof. Dr. Kay Rülling ruelling F.13.09 2943
Prof. Dr. Tobias Schmidt toschmidt F.13.07 2764
Prof. Dr. Britta Späth bspaeth F.13.01 2418
M. Sc. Erik Barinaga barinaga F.13.06 2670
Dr. Andreas Bode abode F.13.04 3551
M. Sc. Dominik Briganti briganti G.16.06 3478
M. Sc. Gaëtan Mancini mancini G.16.05
M. Sc. Niccolo Mecacci mecacci G.16.05
M. Sc. Dennis Peters dpeters F.13.06 2670
Dipl.-Math. Sonia Petschick petschick F.13.03 2523
M. Sc. Vivien Picard picard G.16.14 3097
M. Sc. Dzoara Nuñez Ramos nunezramos F.13.03 2670
Dr. Fei Ren renfei F.13.05 3478
M. Sc. Julian Reichardt jreichardt G.16.14 3097
Dr. Lucas Ruhstorfer ruhstorfer F.13.03 2523
M. Sc. Daan van Sonsbeek vansonsbeek F.13.06 2670
M. Sc. Mattia Tiso mtiso F.13.06 2670
M. Sc. Ziqian Yin ziyin G.16.06 2670

Guests of the Research Group

name email
PD Dr. Marc Cabanes

Secretary's Office

name email office phone
Kirsten Wilshaus F.13.08 2663