School of Mathematics and Natural Sciences

Seminar Darstellungstheorie

Das Seminar Darstellungstheorie findet normalerweise dienstags, 14.15 - 15.15 Uhr in G.13.18 statt.

Beteiligte Dozenten: Sascha Orlik, Kay Rülling, Tobias Schmidt, Britta Späth.

15.10.2024 Andreas Bode Auslander regularity of p-adic Banach algebras via almost mathematics
22.10.2024 Damian Sercombe Unipotent normal subgroups of algebraic groups
29.10.2024 Jonathan Gruber Centers and centralizers in (double) affine Hecke algebras
12.11.2024 Sascha Orlik On the construction of certain non-principal locally analytic representations I
19.11.2024 Raoul Hallopeau Holonomicity for coadmissible D-modules over formal curves
03.12.2024 Tommy Lundemo Solid abelian groups II (research seminar)
07.01.2025 Georg Linden The Orlik-Strauch functors over local fields of positive characteristic
14.01.2025 Sascha Orlik On the construction of certain non-principal locally analytic representations II
28.01.2025 Philipp Keldenich A smoothness criterion for the Picard variety, following Nygaard (Oberseminar Vortrag im Mathe Master)

Andreas Bode: Auslander regularity of p-adic Banach algebras via almost mathematics

Auslander regularity is a cohomological regularity condition for non-commutative rings. We introduce the notion of almost Auslander regular algebras and use the machinery of almost mathematics to prove the Auslander regularity of several Banach algebras appearing naturally in p-adic representation theory: the completed enveloping algebra of a Lie algebra, completed Weyl algebras, and the norm-completion of the distribution algebra of a compact p-adic Lie group. This generalizes earlier results by Ardakov--Wadsley and Schmidt in the case of a discretely valued base field to arbitrary nonarchimedean fields of mixed characteristic.

Damian Sercombe: Unipotent normal subgroups of algebraic groups

Let G be an affine algebraic group over a field k. We show there exists a unipotent normal subgroup of G which contains all other such subgroups; we call it the restricted unipotent radical Rad_u(G) of G. We investigate some properties of Rad_u(G), and study those G for which Rad_u(G) is trivial. In particular, we relate these notions to their well-known analogues for smooth connected affine k-groups.

Jonathan Gruber: Centers and centralizers in (double) affine Hecke algebras

The affine Hecke algebra and its center are important objects of study in combinatorial, geometric and categorical representation theory. In this talk, I will discuss a new commutative subalgebra of the affine Hecke algebra of type A, which arises from a centralizer construction in the double affine Hecke algebra. This subalgebra contains the center, and it admits a canonical basis akin to the Kazhdan-Lusztig basis of the affine Hecke algebra. I will explain how the canonical basis can be used as a tool to compute composition multiplicities in Gaitsgory's central sheaves on affine flag varieties.

Raoul Hallopeau: Holonomicity for coadmissible D-modules over formal curves

In order to study differential equations on a smooth variety, one can introduce a sheaf D of differential operators and look at the associated D-modules that encode many properties of the initial differential equations. More generally, D-modules have other applications beyond differential equations, like representation theory and the Riemann-Hilbert correspondence.

Some interesting and relevant D-modules to look at, generalizing connections, are called holonomic D-modules. They are well-known for complex varieties. In this situation, holonomic D-modules form a well-behaved category, stable by classical operations and with good finiteness properties. They are for example of finite length and have a finite dimensional cohomohology. Such a notion was introduced by Berthelot for arithmetic D-modules with a Frobenius. One motivation for that was to compute the rigid cohomology in characteristic p. More recently, both Huyghe-Schmidt-Strauch and Ardakov-Wadsley have defined categories of coadmissible D-modules over smooth rigid analytic spaces. We do not currently have a good notion of holonomicity in this setting. The aim of this talk is to explain how one can introduce holonomic coadmissible D-modules in the dimension one case.

Georg Linden: The Orlik-Strauch functors over local fields of positive characteristic

For a split reductive p-adic group G, Orlik and Strauch introduced functors which map certain Lie algebra representations to locally analytic representations of G. These functors behave similar to parabolic induction and allowed them to determine the irreducible subquotients of locally analytic principle series representations. We present a generalisation of those functors to split reductive groups over non-archimedean local fields of arbitrary characteristic. Our approach is based on certain categories of topological modules over the locally analytic distribution algebra of G and subalgebras thereof.