Fakultät für Mathematik und Naturwissenschaften

Seminar on Prismatic Cohomology

In this term we want to learn the basics about prismatic cohomology. Here is the program (by Fei Ren).
The seminar takes place on Wednesdays 10:15 - 11:45 in room G.13.18 (BUW).


1. Overview 12.04.23 Kay
2. δ-rings 19.04.23 Vivien
3. Example of perfect δ-rings: the ring of Witt vectors 26.04.23 Doosung
4. Derived completion 03.05.23 Erik
5. Distinguished elements and prisms 10.05.23 Daan
6. Perfect prisms 17.05.23 Andreas
7. Prismatic cohomology 24.05.23 Tommy
No Guest seminar (Week after Pentecost) 31.05.23  
8. The PD-envelope and the prismatic envelope 07.06.23 Mattia
9. The crystalline and the Hodge-Tate comparison 14.06.23  
10. q-PD thickenings and q-PD envelopes 21.06.23 NN
11. q-crystalline cohomology 28.06.22 NN
12. q-de Rham complex and Scholze's coordinate independence conjecture 05.07.23 NN

zuletzt bearbeitet am: 15.11.2023